How Does HVAC Zoning Work?

A zoned HVAC system is a type of HVAC system which allows different areas of a building to be heated or cooled independently of one another. This is achieved through the installation of dampers and multiple thermostats. A thermostat in each desired “zone” of the building allows each area’s temperature to be controlled individually by the corresponding thermostat. Meanwhile, the dampers can increase or restrict airflow into a particular zone as needed.

Despite the end-goal of independent climate control in each zone, the zones of modern HVAC systems can also cooperate in order to improve efficiency. In the case of a two-story building, for example, the different zones may be programmed to account for rising heat from one to the other, and adjust airflow accordingly.

Benefits of Zoning

A key benefit of a zoned HVAC system is efficiency. Not only is it able to be uniquely adjusted for the comfort of those within the building, it is also often more economic. Rather than heating or cooling the entire building, occupants can save energy and money by only adjusting the thermostats of areas that are in use.

While the upfront cost is not negligible, a zoned system can be a valuable long-term investment, especially for large, multi-level structures, such as office or apartment buildings. It is also often relatively simple to convert a standard HVAC setup into a zoned system.


While the installation process is fairly straightforward, it is best to leave that to your local, certified HVAC technicians. They will be able to assess the building and determine how they can maximize efficiency for the zoned system, and/or how they can most effectively integrate it with an existing HVAC setup.

Tips for Buying a New Furnace for Your Historic Home

While the antiquity is exactly what makes a historic home beautiful and unique, it often also means that the house is lacking in modern comforts and safety standards. It can be difficult to install a new furnace into a historic home. Not only is there the challenge of keeping the rustic ambiance intact, but it is also often necessary to reconcile the efficiency needs of the system with the existing structure of the house and any regulations regarding updates on a historical site.


A vital aspect of any good HVAC system is efficient ventilation. If outside air is able to enter the house, or the indoor airflow cannot disperse easily, the furnace will not maintain the heat well, and it will be more costly. This is a common hurdle for installing a furnace in a historic home because these buildings have often developed air leaks over time, and were not designed with indoor climate control in mind.


Another thing to consider is possible regulations on your historical home. Many such houses come with rules regarding changes and updates to the property. One of your first steps should be to check these and make sure that the furnace installation will not be in violation of any such regulations.


Much of the appeal of a historic home, of course, is the aesthetic. Therefore, it is important to communicate with your HVAC professional about finding a furnace and a set-up that will be complementary to the character of the house.

5 Easy Ways To Lower Your AC Costs This Summer

For many people, there are certain times of the year when moderating their air conditioning use just is not an option. Beyond making your living situation incredibly uncomfortable, a home that is too hot can also negatively affect the health of the residents. Therefore, AC is often a basic living cost. But that cost doesn’t need to be outrageous. Below are three ways to save your money:


One of the most important things you can do to lower your AC cost, is just basic maintenance on your AC unit. Get your AC checked regularly (and preferably before the summer months hit), and make sure that your filters aren’t clogged. In the case of an older air conditioner, it may even be time to switch out for a new one.

Secondary Cooling Sources

Setting up a fan (or fans) can complement your air conditioning to make a noticeable difference in your indoor climate. Furthermore, they have the benefit of being very maneuverable, and therefore can be focused in high-traffic areas.
Utilizing shade is also very helpful. Covering your windows during the brightest/hottest times of the day can prevent heat from building up in your space.

Consider Planting Trees in Your Yard

According to Idaho Power, planting deciduous trees or installing awnings can shade your home and keep costs down. Try to plant trees on the south and west sides of your house.

Don’t Create Heat

Summertime grilling is a national favorite for more than one reason. Cooking indoors can cause heat to accumulate in your home. Similarly, many common appliances give off a lot of heat during use. It is best to find alternatives during the day or to wait until evening to use these. Trying to diminish the heat they produce makes your air conditioner work overtime.

Install a Smart Thermostat

NRDC senior energy policy advocate Lauren Urbanek says that the most inexpensive way to use your air conditioner is to turn the thermostat up when you leave the house.This is helped by using a programmable thermostat to keep the house warmer than usual when no one is home. This is especially helpful if you have a regular schedule.

Total System Services is your Air Conditioning Specialists for Boise, Idaho, Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington. Contact us today!

Three Tips to Use Your HVAC Unit to Alleviate Allergies

You may not realize your HVAC unit can do more than keep you comfortable—it can also keep you healthy. For many people, allergies are just an inevitable misery. But it might surprise you to see how much upkeep of your HVAC system can combat your allergies. In fact, Boise, Idaho business owners and homeowners can invest in additional HVAC accessories that can boost their home’s air quality even more. Here are three tips to get you started:

Check Your Filters

Indoor air pollution comes from a number of sources. The most common allergens found inside the home include pet dander, mold, dust mites, pollen, and cockroach droppings. Filters are meant to clean the air in your home or office. However, if they get too dirty, they can actually begin to do the opposite. Allergens that have been cleared from the air eventually build up in the filter. Therefore, without regularly changing your filters, those allergens will begin to get dislodged, spreading them back into the air. That’s why annual maintenance is so crucial, especially for someone with asthma or allergies.

Other Cleaning

Without regular cleaning, mold can begin to grow in your vents. This can lead to the spores being dispersed into the air, agitating your allergies further. Dander and other allergens can also accumulate in these areas.
Additionally, it is to be expected that various debris will gradually gather around your outdoor unit. This needs to be cleared occasionally to avoid blockages.

Regular HVAC Maintenance

Finally, the best thing you can do is schedule regular HVAC maintenance. Your HVAC professional can help solve many of the above issues, as well as diagnose any more specific problems you may be having.
When kept in good condition, your HVAC unit is your best tool for reducing airborne allergens.

Space Heater Safety Tips

Space heaters are a common household appliance and is used as a way to supplement heating in a room.  However, if used improperly, a space heater can also be a serious potential hazard.

Labels and Warnings

Any space heating product that you purchase should have a label certifying its safety as per a Nationally-Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL). You can find the list of OSHA-certified NRTLs here. If a space heater has been tested for safety, there will be safety instructions and hazard labels included. It is vital to follow and be aware of these.
The accompanying instructions should explain what uses that specific space heater is intended for. Before purchasing a space heater, always consider what you plan to use it for, and make sure that the instructions for intended use align with that.


Placement is perhaps the most important aspect of space heater safety. Space heaters should be at least 3 feet away from anything potentially flammable. In addition, it is imperative to avoid placing space heaters directly on top of any potential flammable surface, such as carpeting. This surface should also be large, flat, and extremely stable to prevent the heater from being knocked over.


Simple checks and upkeep go a long way. Always check to ensure that your space heater is still in great shape. Take signs of wear such as frayed cords very seriously. And never forget to turn off a space heater that is not actively being used.

HVAC Environmental Concerns

HVAC installation can make your home, office, or rental far more comfortable. In fact, it can even make the residents or workers of that building, healthier. 

But did you know that it can actually improve the health of the environment as well?

The Background

Nationally, most HVAC engineers and commercial HVAC businesses belong to groups such as the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers. Such groups work in collaboration with the EPA to ensure that HVAC systems nationwide are operating as efficiently as possible. In fact, the EPA official website has a reference page that is specifically meant to give HVAC engineers important information about maximizing energy efficiency in their systems.

Furthermore, of course, this mutually beneficial relationship allows the EPA to more easily enforce federal restrictions on heating and air conditioning that protect the environment. Notable among these restrictions is the ban on the use of the chemical Freon in air conditioning units—a chemical known to deplete the ozone layer.

Energy Efficiency

But why does the EPA care about helping to improve the efficiency of HVAC units?

The same qualities that make an HVAC system great for keeping individuals comfortable and healthy are also what make it great for the environment. Less efficient heating and air conditioning units produce more potentially harmful byproducts. HVAC systems, meanwhile, not only minimize the byproducts released into the air, they also then filter that air, trapping what little is released.


HVAC Systems for a Property Manager

For any property manager, deciding what heating and cooling systems—if any— to invest in for your property is an important financial decision. And it’s also a very difficult one to make.

Why Should I Consider HVAC Over My Current System?

Many property managers choose to simply do upkeep on whatever heating and cooling system the building came with. In many cases, that may even mean no air conditioning at all—that aspect being left up to the tenants.
However, that’s not always the most cost effective.

Can it Make Me Money?
First of all, an HVAC system—like any improvement on the quality of a rental space—can increase the value of the apartments. This not only means that each unit may be worth more rent, but also that the entire complex could later be sold at a higher buying price.

Can it Save Me Money?
HVAC units are not just a luxury. They also can be a preventative measure for both the health of the building and its tenants.
We have talked before about the effects of IAQ (indoor air quality) on the health of those who regularly frequent a building. And, of course, that should always be a priority for any landlord worth their salt.

But excellent ventilation and temperature control can also prevent everything from mold to freezing pipes—problems which could become costly if allowed to get out of hand.

What Kind of HVAC System is Right for Me?

There are several different types of HVAC systems. Picking the one that best suits your space is just as important as making sure that it functions properly. These few simple questions should make the decision much easier.

How big is my space?

This is an extremely important factor to consider if your space is particularly large or particularly small. If the area is very large, you might consider a high-powered system with elaborate ventilation and ducting to properly disperse the heat or air conditioning. However, a split system is another great option for buildings with a lot of space—especially if it also has many enclosed rooms. A split system funnels heat and air conditioning to individual rooms rather than dispersing it homogeneously throughout the building, and therefore can be the far more efficient way to go for a spacious building.
As for small spaces, packaged HVAC units are usually your best bet. As the name implies, a packaged unit keeps most of the components in one compact package, and therefore are easier to find a place for in a more cramped area.

How old is my space?

Older buildings sometimes will not have the structure to accommodate standard components of an HVAC system, such as the ducting. In such cases, a ductless system is probably the best solution. Ductless systems— rather than pulling the air from one place to another through ducts— funnel air directly into the space.
What is the climate like in my area?
If your building is situated in a climate that can reach extremely low temperatures, your heat pump might be rendered far less effective when the temperature drops below freezing. A hybrid heating system can solve that problem. Hybrid heating systems utilize the usually more efficient heat pump until the temperature drops below a certain level. When that happens, the system kicks on the furnace—which is not similarly affected by low temperatures.

Do-It-Yourself Tips for Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Improvement

A well-functioning HVAC system is probably the best way that you can improve the air quality in your building. However, there are several other small things you can do to further maximize your indoor air quality, and—by extension—improve the health of the people who live or work in the space.

Basic Housekeeping

Allergens and pollutants often build up in dust particles that naturally accumulate in any space. Avoiding this threat to your indoor air quality is usually as simple as doing some regular dusting, sweeping, and mopping.

Mold Prevention

It is easy to write off mold as being a symptom of extremely poor upkeep in a building, but that is not necessarily the case. Mold is incredibly resilient. It can spring up due to the slightest ongoing humidity issues, and is difficult to permanently remove once it has its heels in.
The most effective way to prevent mold is to control the humidity in a space. If this is an issue in your building, a dehumidifier may be a helpful option. It is also a good practice to keep an eye on spaces that tend to get damp or warm on a regular basis, such as bathrooms. Great ventilation and regular cleaning of these spaces are key.

Combustion Pollutants

Combustion pollutants are any air pollution that results from burning fuel or heating. The risk of these indoors primarily comes from heating, such as your built-in heating system or space heaters. The best tool to reduce risk from combustion pollutants is the ventilation system that is part of your HVAC system.
However, some sources of combustion pollution require their own individual ventilation system. For example, dryers should be attached to a vent that funnels the humid air they produce to the outside. It is important to make sure this vent is clean and well-sealed.

Simple Steps for AC Compressor Maintenance

If your HVAC system malfunctions, one of the most likely culprits is the AC compressor. However, while it is a component given to causing problems, it is also actually very simple to maintain. You can easily save yourself from the headache and the money later on with a few basic checks.


Many compressor-related issues can be solved just by keeping it clean. This mostly just entails clearing any debris out of the unit, and regularly cleaning the filters. Both problems can obstruct and contaminate air flow, and both problems can be easily identified and corrected.


Being wary of your local climate—especially cold weather—can prevent a wide variety of possible malfunctions in your compressor. For example, freezing and thawing of components in the unit can quickly age and damage the compressor. The addition of a small heater in the unit, along with basic maintenance, should prevent such weather-related damage.


It is important to ensure that there is always enough refrigerant in the system—but you do not want to overdo it either. Running for extended periods of time on too little or too much refrigerant puts a lot of strain on the compressor. The actual process of “re-charging” (the term for re-filling) the system is best left to an HVAC professional. However, being aware of your HVAC maintenance schedule can ensure that your refrigerant levels remain optimal.