Is Your HVAC System In Need Of Repair?

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According to several studies, one in three commercial HVAC systems are broken and not operating correctly. One in three.

And while that number may seem unbelievably high, there are other studies that put the problem in more dire straights. Roof top units have a high rate of improper refrigerant charge, low airflow, and problems with the air economizer system, with estimates as great as one in two facing one of these problems.

How can that be?

Commercial HVAC systems are often larger, have more working parts, and therefore often make it more difficult to notice when a problem is occurring. For example, if a building has six roof top units and one fails, it may not be readily noticeable. Yet overall, the efficiency drops significantly.

The broken unit may still try to heat or cool the air; it may pump unconditioned air into the space. It will still use horsepower to run the fan, and turn the motor to continue the flow into the air stream.  But just as much as its sending unconditioned air into the air stream, the other units have to work that much harder to produce the effect that is being called for.

While its easy to see how this can happen, it should be just as easy to see how to prevent it. In today’s world, two things can stop this situation from happening, and allow your HVAC system to run as efficiently as possible every day of its working life:

    1. Schedule regular maintenance to check on the overall efficiency of your HVAC system

    2. Use today’s technology to pinpoint where problems occur

As a building owner or property manager, you realize that there is one common truth when it comes to the physical assets in your building; they will all fail at some point in time. The question becomes when, and how can you prevent it from happening at the most inopportune time?

If you use both tasks regularly, you can quickly spot a problem almost as fast as it occurs, and repair it and maintain it immediately to help prevent even more problems down the road.

Today’s technology can offer you may ways to digitize, track and analyze your system from afar. With today’s energy management systems, you can quickly check to see if your HVAC equipment is running at its optimal level. When you notice even small problems, you can hone in on where the problem originates from, and connect with your HVAC company to determine the best way to proceed. Sometimes it might be determine that immediate repair is needed. Or sometimes it can be fixed on the next regularly schedules maintenance appointment.

In either case, clear records can help you see the track record of your HVAC equipment, and help you maintain it at its optimal level. Not something that’s possible with older units, or systems that aren’t being maintained on a regular basis.

If you’re interested in learning more about how today’s technology is helping run commercial HVAC equipment more effectively, or how a regular maintenance schedule can help you keep problems at bay, give us a call today.

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