HVAC Environmental Concerns

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HVAC installation can make your home, office, or rental far more comfortable. In fact, it can even make the residents or workers of that building, healthier. 

But did you know that it can actually improve the health of the environment as well?

The Background

Nationally, most HVAC engineers and commercial HVAC businesses belong to groups such as the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers. Such groups work in collaboration with the EPA to ensure that HVAC systems nationwide are operating as efficiently as possible. In fact, the EPA official website has a reference page that is specifically meant to give HVAC engineers important information about maximizing energy efficiency in their systems.

Furthermore, of course, this mutually beneficial relationship allows the EPA to more easily enforce federal restrictions on heating and air conditioning that protect the environment. Notable among these restrictions is the ban on the use of the chemical Freon in air conditioning units—a chemical known to deplete the ozone layer.

Energy Efficiency

But why does the EPA care about helping to improve the efficiency of HVAC units?

The same qualities that make an HVAC system great for keeping individuals comfortable and healthy are also what make it great for the environment. Less efficient heating and air conditioning units produce more potentially harmful byproducts. HVAC systems, meanwhile, not only minimize the byproducts released into the air, they also then filter that air, trapping what little is released.

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