Do-It-Yourself Tips for Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Improvement

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A well-functioning HVAC system is probably the best way that you can improve the air quality in your building. However, there are several other small things you can do to further maximize your indoor air quality, and—by extension—improve the health of the people who live or work in the space.

Basic Housekeeping

Allergens and pollutants often build up in dust particles that naturally accumulate in any space. Avoiding this threat to your indoor air quality is usually as simple as doing some regular dusting, sweeping, and mopping.

Mold Prevention

It is easy to write off mold as being a symptom of extremely poor upkeep in a building, but that is not necessarily the case. Mold is incredibly resilient. It can spring up due to the slightest ongoing humidity issues, and is difficult to permanently remove once it has its heels in.
The most effective way to prevent mold is to control the humidity in a space. If this is an issue in your building, a dehumidifier may be a helpful option. It is also a good practice to keep an eye on spaces that tend to get damp or warm on a regular basis, such as bathrooms. Great ventilation and regular cleaning of these spaces are key.

Combustion Pollutants

Combustion pollutants are any air pollution that results from burning fuel or heating. The risk of these indoors primarily comes from heating, such as your built-in heating system or space heaters. The best tool to reduce risk from combustion pollutants is the ventilation system that is part of your HVAC system.
However, some sources of combustion pollution require their own individual ventilation system. For example, dryers should be attached to a vent that funnels the humid air they produce to the outside. It is important to make sure this vent is clean and well-sealed.

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