Dealing With The Most Common HVAC Problem: Mold

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As an HVAC contractor, we clean, repair and maintain a lot of HVAC systems over the course of a year. And one of the most common problems we see is the presence of mold. Let’s face it, mold grows quickly in wet environments. And when a building uses a forced-air HVAC system, mold will definitely be a part of the picture more often than not.

But that doesn’t mean it can’t be dealt with in an efficient way. Mold is always present in your building’s HVAC system. Which means its always present in your building’s environment. They key is reaching it and maintaining it before it can grow and flourish and begin effecting the occupants sick.

According to the EPA, a routine check of the HVAC system should be made throughout the year not just to look for mold, but to look for moisture as well.

HVAC systems produce condensation in a variety of ways. Which is why HVAC systems have both condensation pans and drainage systems to carry the water away. If they are plugged or not flowing freely, moisture accumulates and mold begins.

Yet its not just these areas that are prone to moisture. Moisture can quickly accumulate anywhere – air handlers, blowers, filters. Because the surrounding area is always changing, any piece of the system can be at risk in certain situations. If we receive several weeks of moisture, for instance, and the roof has a leak, that water supply can travel all over your building, and quickly get into unintended spots, including your HVAC system.

This is where regular inspection comes into play.

If you see mold or even suspect mold, its important to act right away. Mold can grow in as little as 48 hours, so the sooner you act the better.

Start by turning off your HVAC system. The more it spreads, the more damage you will have, the more clean up will be required. If you can contain it to certain areas, the easier clean up will be.

If anyone on your staff – maintenance or janitorial staff – is involved in the cleanup, remember all involved should take precautions and wear at least an N-95 respirator.

There are specific steps to take when mold is in play. If your staff isn’t trained in mold removal, don’t attempt to do it on your own. As a reputable HVAC contractor, we have the skills and the resources necessary to ensure cleanup is performed in a safe way.

Do you have further questions about mold? You can visit the EPA website,., and learn more than you ever wanted to know about mold

Then give us a call. Remember, regular maintenance and inspection will help your HVAC system perform its best and run efficiently as possible all year long. And when you have special circumstances, we’ll help you recover in the shortest amount of time possible. We’re here for all of your HVAC needs.

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